Saturday, September 10, 2016

Faith Makes Things Possible, Not Easy

Hello all of my faithful readers! Well, I am at college and I can't believe I actually have a little time to write. I wish that I had more time over the next month or so but you will probably not hear from me again until November sometime.

       Wow, so where to begin. This journey has been amazing, terrifying, sad and eye opening. I would do it all over again if I could. I have become closer to God now more than ever.

When first arriving, I had to take my dad and uncle to the airport. I cried for awhile knowing that I was letting them go 30+ hours away from me and they were my last tie to home. I went back to the hotel and had a break down. I wondered, "What had I done?, Why did I do this to myself and my family?, Why?".  After calming down a little I turned on the TV to watch a preacher. Dr. Charles Stanley was on. While listening I read a note from my aunt. Wow does God work in mysterious and awesome ways. In my aunts note she wrote Joshua 1:9  and said "God is with you wherever you may go. He will NEVER  leave you nor forsake you." As soon as I got done reading that, Charles Stanley said "When doing Gods will, we should not be afraid or feel alone." Then.....he read Joshua 1:9.
"Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD they God is with you withersoever thou goest." 
Joshua 1:9
Jesus loves me, cares for me and will keep me. God spoke to me through my aunt and Dr, Charles Stanley. I felt an immediate peace come over me. God told me to come, THAT is why I am here, that why I had done this to myself and my family, that is why! I was overwhelmed by His love for me and his plan for me. 

After the first day of college I knew I was in His will and that He will direct my paths and keep me no matter where I am. This reassurance made the homesickness, tiredness, effort, and hardships better and very much so worth it. I love studying, love this work that I am in and I am so excited for the future. God placed me here to be a witness, to be a light in the dark, and to shine His light unto the world. I am his servant, His girl and He is MY God. I would not be here, in this place without Him. My GOD is an awesome God. 

If you are wondering if you are in Gods will remember this: If you are loving Him you are acknowledging Him and if you are acknowledging Him, He is directing your paths." -Daddy 
My sweet daddy wrote that for me and I was blessed and reassured by it. 

Please pray for me while I am on this journey of midwifery. This semester is intense and I will need all the prayer I can get. Thank you all and I love you! 
" I can do ALL things through Christ which strengtheneth me."
Philippians 4:13                    

My Bunk!

My favorite verse, can you tell? :)

My notebook that all my sweet family wrote in and the bottle of bible verses that my mama and sisters made for me, so I could read one everyday.

All of my fam (with some missing), and my Bible verses that I hang up everyday.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

God's Plan For My Life

Hey gals...and guys! :) It's been awhile. I know in one of my previous posts "My Journey", I touched briefly on my future plans but I thought for all those people out there asking, "Why Midwifery?", I would answer you here!

For all of my childhood days I wondered what my occupation would be. Would I be a nurse, dental assistant, hair dresser (what I wanted to do then), doctor, or just a mommy (I really would love that) ? I didn't know if I wanted to go to college or just get a job and save money until I met Mr. Right. I may not have known what I wanted to do with my life, but I definitely wanted what God wanted for me. As I grew, my love grew for children, but especially babies. I thought maybe I would become a nanny or babysitter but as time went on I knew that was not what I wanted to do for the rest of my life or what God wanted me to do. I asked God to show me in due time what He wanted me to do so I could prepare as necessary. As a sophomore in high school, suddenly out of nowhere, midwifery popped in my mind.One day I said, "I think I want to be a midwife." Let me tell you folks, it wasn't out of nowhere, God himself told me he wanted me to become a midwife. And let me say, I was more than okay with that, I was ecstatic. I was looking up schools for nursing and midwifery etc. and I came across the word DOULA. What is that you ask? It is a Professional Labor Supporter. The doula will help the mother physically (from the waste up ;)), mentally and spiritually.  It was intriguing and I thought I would look into it. As I was talking to midwives they said the best way to start out as a student midwife was take a doula course. I did some research and began my doula journey through McDoula Professional Doula Certification.  Now to the previous year (2015) I began to search out the best midwifery school. I came across a college that looked very interesting and fun. (I will not be naming the school as this a public blog and I do not wish to give this information out.)   Come to find out, I had found it three years before and didn't remember I wrote it down. The very next week a midwife mentioned this college to me! Isn't God awesome? I also found out that the midwife that I was working with helps this school out with applications and scholarships. I was beyond excited and I applied right away. In March of 2016 I was accepted.

I now know what my occupation will one day (very soon) be! There are so few midwives today, and there is a need for them. But in foreign countries the need is greater. Will God send me away to be a missionary one day? I believe so, but it may not be even out of the country, it could just be right here in my town as a christian midwife. God has worked so much out. He has calmed my fears, helped me financially and given me a peace that this is His will for my life.
"But the midwives feared God....."  Exodus1:17

 As I will be leaving this fall to begin my midwifery calling which I am so excited about, I would greatly appreciate your prayers. Blessings to all!

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Praying for Your Future Husband

Praying for Your Future Husband 

Praying for your future husband is a great way to serve him even before you meet him! Not a simple "keep him safe a pure" prayer, but a genuine heart to heart talk to God about your future spouse. I encourage you to make a list of what you want in a spouse and pray for these things. Spiritual qualities, character qualities and well, even physical, but don't be too dead set on those because when you meet the one, you won't care what color hair or eyes he has. *wink* Would you like to hear some of mine? Okay here some qualities I want my future spouse to have:
    • He loves God and seeks Him with his whole heart, personal relationship with God-Deuteronomy 6:5, Jeremiah 29:13
    • He wants to serve God, wherever that might take him- John 12:26
    • He does not have a love for the world or the things of the world-1 John 2:15
    • He will lead his home-Ephesians 5:23
    • He is humble- Acts 20:19, 1 Peter 5:5
    • He is hard-working- Ephesians 4:28
    • A man of his word, Honesty- Luke 8:15
    • Loves children and desires a family- Genesis 1:28
    • Thoughtful- Romans 12:3
Go have your quiet time with the Lord and let him show you what qualities you want in a husband. He will guide you and direct you. These are some of the things I find most important in a man. I may have left out a few things but you get the idea. ;) Now after you write YOUR list begin to pray for him and ask God to help him with his spiritual qualities, character qualities and his relationship with Him.

Now focus on YOU! Yep, that's right. A godly man will want a godly wife, right?? Correct. So if you are asking God to help your future spouse with his character and relationship with Him then you should too. A godly christian guy will look for some of the same qualities in a girl, you don't want to  be looked over because you yourself did not have some of the qualities, do you? I don’t want a great guy to look past you or me. I want him to look at you and say, “Wow! That is the type of woman I want to marry. That is the kind of woman I want raising my children.”  He is going to want to marry a woman who has similar spiritual qualities and passions as himself.
If a guy is passionate about spending time in God’s Word every day, why would he go for a girl who maybe reads her Bible once every couple of weeks?

If a guy loves his current family and has great vision for his future family, why would he go for a girl who can barely stand her family?

If a guy loves sharing the Gospel, why would he go for a girl who doesn’t see the need to do that?

So, make a list for yourself. There are qualities you need to work on, we all have some. You should know what they are, but if not go to a parent or sibling and ask them to be honest and give them some spiritual and character qualities you should work on. Don't get angry with them now, remember you did tell them to be honest. ;) Then get on it girl! You have a future husband waiting to meet you out there and you sure don't want him to look over you!
God has a beautiful romance prepared for you. Prayer is the key to unlocking the love story....with your future husband and with God, the lover of your soul. -Robin Jones Gunn

Go check out Robin Jones Gunn and Tricia Goyers book- Praying for your future husband. She has some great insight on this subject.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Dating Vs. Courting

Dating vs. Courting
So what's the difference? And what's the big deal with dating? People say courting is dating with a purpose, but what does that mean? Keep reading.

Dating- A lot of people see dating as a must when your 15 and over (now even younger :o). They find a girl/boy they like to hang out and go with it. He asks her to go out with him and that is the start. A lot of kids know the relationship won't last and well its ok, they think they have got to have someone so they can date like everyone else. Do you see any logic here??? NO! And the parents that let them? Well I will not judge, but it is not wise of them. The parents may think that it is all fun and games and they are innocent. If you are dating at age 15 you are more than likely NOT innocent and know more than you should. There is NO innocence in public school these days. You may or may not know it but your kids are doing stuff that you do not know about. Right? I mean you drop them off at the theater with no chaperone and then let them sit alone for two hours? Okay so I could get on a rampage but I won't. So dating is independence. Everyone messes up, and it is easy to do. With dating it is just you and that person, why put yourself in that hard place? It is hard to have self control! We all have weaknesses and for most people this is one of them.
Courting- As stated before, Courting is dating with a purpose, which means they are "dating" and meaning for it to lead to marriage. You are courting this person with marriage in mind. True, not all courtships work out but that's ok. You had to see for yourself that he/she wasn't the one for you. So courtship does not mean you court one person and you have to marry them, NO! As far as courtship goes, it all about accountability. It is about getting to know each other in a group and family setting. How are you going to get to see the real them if its just the two of you? Going on dates (yes, you can go on dates!! :p) with chaperones. Does it mean that the parents do not trust you, or that they or you do not trust the other? No, its so you can stay accountable to everyone, especially GOD. Some things can lead to another without you knowing it and it being too late. When you get caught in the moment its hard to stop.
"Dating, as practiced in the 20th century, has commonly treated boy-girl relationships as a private, personal matter. Courtship sees boy-girl relationships as accountable and therefore open and accountable." ~Dennis Gundersen

Dating- With dating its ok to be physical. Hand-holding, close sitting and kissing is all ok and for some further? Well what does kissing lead to? Yep, you got it!! Now I am not totally opposed to kissing (I will expand on this further down). But, when in the dating realm and its just the two of you...not a good plan. Some think that any physical intimacy is ok! It is not just about catching diseases or getting pregnant. NO! It is what God commanded. He did not tell us that we should not enjoy or ever have sex. Just not outside of marriage! He blesses sex in marriage. Please look these scriptures up!! Proverbs 5:15-19, Ecclesiastes 9:9, Song of Solomon 4:10-15. People say that sex is a bad word! No just not a public word! Agreed?
Courting- Courtship is definitely not physical. I feel that if a relationship is physical we cannot truly get to know the person or some just want the physical side apart that God told us not to be. With courting there is little to no physical touch! It depends solely on what you and your family think is best for you. All people are different and can handle physical touch more than others. For me I think hand- holding is perfectly fine while courting. No kissing! I think you should hold off on that until a bigger commitment so you can focus yourself on getting to know one another. When in engaged I think for some it might be okay to kiss. For me I want to wait for marriage but I also think that couples can get in a MAJOR hurry when there is NOTHING physical at all. Now don't get me wrong, I do not think that you should do any major kissing or more but when there is nothing, and you love each other more and more each day it can be hard. I suggest not have a long engagement either because it can get really tough and if you know you are getting married, why wait? My mom always said "long courtships and short engagements" and it has become my motto for this subject. But I think if you can wait for kissing and NOT rush into marriage then by all means, WAIT! How wonderful to say you waited until marriage for everything!
"Courtship recommends waiting for one romantic relationship that culminates in marriage. Dating recommends a series of romantic relationships as the way to prepare for marriage." ~Dennis Gundersen

In reading my blog you can see that I am all for courtship. Ask God what is best for you and your family. Sorry for the long post, I could write a book on this subject! :0  Love you all! Please give me your imput and thoughts in the comments.

Some good books to look into:
Courtship & Dating- So whats the difference? By Dennis Gundersen
I kissed Dating Goodbye- By Joshua Harris

Monday, April 11, 2016

My Journey

          My Journey! 
I was inspired to write this blog to uplift young women in the trials and hardships that we face in this day and age but I have had a change of heart. While I will still be writing encouraging posts I have also decided that I will tell you about my journey through this thing we call life!

My journey started when I was born, but I won't tell you my whole life story, for that would take a very long time. So I will begin with the present!

 For as long as I know I have LOVED little children, especially babies! I did not know what I wanted to do with my life (besides getting married and having children of my own) but I knew that I wanted it to have something to do with babies. The Lord showed me about 4 years ago, maybe longer. I wanted to be a midwife. I knew they were not that popular but I knew this was Gods calling for my life! But the devil crept in my life without me knowing. As I was trying to pursue Gods will for my life the devil came in and tried to deter me. And let me tell you the devil will try to get you out of Gods will fast!! He knows your weaknesses and will try to destroy you. About a year ago I was going under fast, and I didn't know it until one day my eyes were opened! I was falling in Satan's pit!! Lord, what was I thinking?? It all gradually happened, in a span of a couple of years. Satan will pull you under slowly, very slowly so you don't know you are there until you are very deep and its hard to get out. BUT you can!! With God and a few others help, I was able to get out of this pit gasping for air but alive! Have you been there before? I defeated Satan. He didn't destroy my life, he tried but he didn't! So I moved with Gods plan for me. 
As of right now I am in process of completing my doula (I know, you have probably never heard of it!) certification. A doula is a labor and delivery coach. They are there to help you make informed decision and to make sure that your wishes are up held,  help you to understand risks and benefits, act as an advocate for you with the hospital staff, help mom physically and emotionally through labor and help her establish breastfeeding. While this has been a very long journey I am still not discouraged and will complete the course this fall. People will say that the doula journey is an easy path to take, but it has its challenges. It is hard to get yourself  out there and trusted by mothers an families. Your clients have to find YOU and this has been the challenge. But God has been there with me and helped me. A very known midwife came to me and asked me to help her over the next couple of months! I am ecstatic! I will be able to get my doula births in, along with my two beginning births for my midwifery course.

  I am super excited to say that I have been accepted into a midwifery college this fall!! It will be a very long an trying journey but I am excited! So as I begin this journey please pray for me to have strength and peace!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Will You Be My Valentine?

Will You Be My Valentine?

We hear these words every year on February 14th! Usually from a lover, but sometimes from a mother, father, brother, or sister. We all melt when we hear this. Right? We all say "Oh how sweet, of course I will." We normally don't turn them down. Valentines is made for lovers. We are supposed to show our love to another person. I can't say that a guy besides a family member has asked me that. And that is OK! Do you want someone to ask you (besides a family member)?  Guess what?? Someone already is. In fact He asks every day! You say who?? Who could want me that much?

GOD. God wants you that much! There is nothing more romantic. I think this valentines you should answer God. Or turn the question around on Him. Ask Him, "Will you be my valentine, God?" Let me tell you, He will not turn you down!!! He wants to be in a relationship with you. He wants you to live with Him FOREVER. You can't tell me that that is not romantic. He loves you!! And he wants you to love Him too. Will you answer Him this valentines day, or ignore Him? He wants YOU.
"And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." Deuteronomy 6:5
Do you know the results you will get by doing this??
"And this commandment have we from him, That he who loveth God love his brother also." 
1 John 4:21
We will be able to love others more!! Can you imagine loving your family more or your husband/boyfriend more ? Well you can. By loving God and being CLOSER to Him, he shows us how to be closer to all other relationships. 
We can say we love our friends but if we do not love God then we do not know what or how to love. 
"Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God." 1 John 4:7 
No wonder the divorce rate is high! All these people don't know God, so therefore do not know how to love. God shows us the perfect picture of Love. 
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." John 3:16-17
He loves you so much that he sent His son to die so that we might be saved!!
Look here:
"Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.......And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." Matthew 22:37,39
He tells us again! Love God with all your heart, soul and mind, and THEN you will love your neighbor as yourself. You will put others first and love them just as much as yourself.
Would you like to know how to love more? I sure would!
Have you been ignoring God? He wants you so much. God is asking you to let Him come in your life. Don't miss out on the BEST relationship you could have in your life. He will love you more than anyone, take care of you more than anyone. If you are waiting for prince charming, let God be your Prince, then when your earthly prince comes along you will know better how to love and care for him. 
So ladies, I have a test for you!  This valentines day spend time with HIM, at least for a couple of hours. You will see that He does care for you and love you, you will see that you care for Him and love Him. Then you will say YES!! Tell others how much you love them as well, but spend most of your time with Him this valentines day, He will be thrilled. As will you!:)

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Glory of Womanhood

The Glory of Womanhood

Look at these passages of scripture with me:
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.....And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man." Genesis 1:27;21-22
   Women are a beautiful handiwork of God our creator. He carefully thought us out! Have you thought about everything our bodies do? It is amazing. We were God's last finishing touch to the earth. He saved the best for last. ;) Okay well lets not go that far. Haha A woman was the first to sin. 
We were created feminine. We did not just become feminine because someone told us to wear dresses and gave us dolls to play with. God created us to be feminine creatures. Many argue that the only deference between women and men are our bodies, but scripture differs. Genesis says God created male and female, we women are innately feminine. Femininity is God's gift to us. Be thankful for and do not try to change it! 
 We are called by God to be a help meet. 
"And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him." Genesis 2:18
That is why God created Eve for Adam. She was created to be a helper to Adam suited for him. 

We are to show femininity in ways such as:
  • Submit-We are to be submissive to our husband.      
"Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husband, as unto the Lord." Ephesians 5:22
But listen, SINGLE ladies, it won't hurt to start early. Be submissive to men in any relationship now (such as your dad, grandfather ect.). That does NOT mean to be used and abused. No, simply respect and try to understand you fatherly figures now. This does not mean that we allow them to pull us away from God and let them try to influence you into sin. We are simply inclined to affirm the leadership and initiative of the men around us. In all of our relationships we should be making room for godly men to practice servant leadership. What matters most is that you single ladies are cultivating the habit of making room for the leadership of the men in your life. Let the fatherly figure  know that you are submitting to them, such as asking them for advice or seek their counsel before you make a decision. We have to resist the urge to talk about them with friend about their actions or publicly questioning their actions. This brings them down and makes them think you do not respect them. We are to be humble in the way we speak and act. We are not to be loud, judgmental or gossiping women. This makes men back off, but most of all displeases God. Be careful to guard you heart and not listen to the cultures way of how women should act or think about men, it all messes with our perspective of how we should view their leadership. 

Now, married women. Your job is to submit to your husband. Try to best serve HIM, not yourself! If you are doing something ask yourself, does this help my husband? You will then find your answer if you need to complete this task first or do whatever you might be questioning. God made YOU to serve your husband! Just like God made men to serve and provide for his family. God did not make us as humans to serve ourselves. Would you like to know the two purposes God made us?
  1. For His pleasure!
  2. For His Glory!
If this bothers you maybe you should examine your relationship with Him! 
  • Nurturing- We should LOVE children and want to care and nurture them. In this society, women want to go to college (this is not a bad thing, but do not let it get in front of getting married and having children), have a career or not to have kids (yes some people plan not to have kids! :o). If you aren't married babysitting or caring for children in general shows your femininity. If you do have children we should delight in our children and want to care and nurture them, not going to parties ect. This will please you husband and the LORD. 

  • A love for the HOME- We should want to have a home and care for a house and family! It is my hearts desire! Single women- help your mother (if you live at home or care for your house or apt. like this) around the house with dishes, cooking and cleaning, this shows your love for the home. Caring for your home, married ladies, shows your husband that you love your home that HE provided and also love him. Yes, keeping the house clean is a big thing for men. lol 
Ladies, we have a VERY special role, so view it as so! Don't dread it or complain about it, Love, God, love your husband and love your life, that is all it takes. Stay positive!
Now what are you doing? Get off your bum and go care for your home! ;)